In the meantime, I had interview questions out there in cyber space about Tish and her latest book. I have the answers here, so without any further preamble, please help me welcome Ms. Cohen today:
(Note: Switch released here in Canada on May 9th but will be releasing next week in other countries).
Jackie - Can you tell the readers a little of what we'll find in the pages of Switch?
Tish - Switch is all about learning to recognize what, in our lives, is good and valuable. Andrea Birch is having a rough time being the only biological daughter of parents who take in many foster children. Because Andrea's parents view her own troubles are seen as minor in comparison to those of her foster siblings, she wishes she could switch lives with a girl she perceives as much luckier.
J - On your website, you tell a poignant tale of the girl that inspired parts on Inside Out Girl. Where did you find inspiration for the characters in Switch?
T- I read an article in London's Daily Mail about a woman who lived a life much like Andrea's--she grew up with 35 foster siblings. She inspired the character of Andrea.