It's Monday! What are you reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journey. Here we get to discuss the books we've finished over the last week and what we'll be working on this week.
Over the last week I've continued with Clive Cussler's The Wrecker (I have about 100 pages left), Beauvallet by Georgette Heyer (this is a tricky one linguistically, lots of naval terms in Shakespearean English :-o ) and Anne Rice's Angel Time (I really started getting into this one over the weekend). Oh well, so much for my attempt to have these 3 reviews up last week, lol.
I'm still working on my review of Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver; I'll make a serious effort on that this week to share with my readers :-)
I started and finished Merlin's Harp by Anne Eliot Crompton. I should be able to review this one quickly 'cause I liked it alot!
This week, I will finish The Wrecker and hopefully Angel Time. I'll continue to plod away through Beauvallet. I'll also be starting Neil Flambe and The Marco Polo Murders by Kevin Sylvester and Jonas: Beautiful Dead, Book 1 by Eden Maguire.
What does your week hold for you?
I was just looking at Angel Time this weekend but couldn't make up my mind whether I wanted to commit or not. It sounds like I should go for it.
Is Angel Time a new book for Ann Rice? I am not familiar with this one. Hope you enjoy all your reading this week!
Im reading Dial Me for Murder by Amanda Matetsky! It's super good so far and her main character, Paige Turner, is hilarious!! And btw, good luck with getting all your reading done!
I am hoping to get done with Partners in Crimes by Agatha Christie, tonight actually. Read the next section for my book discussion on The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms. Then dive into The Emerald Storm, it may take me a little longer to read as it is on the computer. I have a review for Spiral Hunt to do too. I think I am looking at a busy week, didn't realize it till now when I put it in type.
Have a great week!
Stephanie - Angel Time kinda dragged a little at first but now the story is getting good. Hopefully I'll review soon:-)
Sheila - Yes, this one just release in Oct/09.
Charlie - I did a double take on that title, thinking it was "Dial M for Murder" by Agatha Christie. I'm glad you enjoying it. I'll have to look it up.
Melissa - It's so true. The reading goals don't seem so bad until you write them all out, lol. I haven't read Agatha Christie in ages. I'll have to start again sometime. I'm looking forward to your review of The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms. You've mentioned it a few times so I'm curious on your thoughts.
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