It's Monday! What are you reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journey. Here we get to discuss the books we've finished over the last week and what we'll be working on this week.
Last week, I finished readng Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver. My review should be up early this week though I am still sorting through my feelings on this one.
I also finished Love Struck by Chantel Simmons and hope to have that review up by Wednesday this week.
I'm about 1/3 of the way through The Wrecker by Clive Cussler. It is very different than I was expecting...in a good way! I started on Beauvallet by Georgette Heyer and Angel Time by Anne Rice. I'm hoping to have these 3 reviews up by the end of this week/beginning of next. (I'm crossing my fingers.)
This week I'll be continuing on with the last 3 books mentioned and starting on Merlin's Harp by Anne Eliot Compton.
How have you been progressing?
I have heard great things about before I fall, I wonder what you thought.
My post
Marce - my review should be up within a day or 2. I've had enough time to digest it now, I just have to put my feelings into words, lol.
Before I Fall is becoming more and more appealing to me.... enjoy your week of reading!
Thanks, Sheila! I'll be keeping my eye out for your thoughts if you do read Before I Fall.
Sounds like you got through a good number of books. I am curious about Merlins Harp. That sounds good, so looking forward to your review.
Have a great week!
Melissa - my review for Merlin's Harp should be up early next week.
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