Monday, July 4, 2011

Reading List: July 2011

It's been almost two years of blogging for me now and it still feels like a bit of a whirlwind at times. I had originally set out to have a place to keep track what books I was reading and discuss them, which then led to reviewing. Getting knee deep in book reviewing happened fairly quickly and had been (and still is) a learning experience. But I thought it was time I get back to my original least the organizing part.

I decided to have a post dedicated to the reads planned for the month ahead. So, here is my reading material for July 2011. It seems ambitious, but I will strive to get through as many as I can! (And this post will also serve as a reminder to me of what needs to be accomplished...and when). Wish me luck!



MrsMixx said...

Ahem....*squeeeeeeeeeeeee* Hexed!!!! Sorry I can't help myself lol. I'm waiting for Hammered to be on Audible already. :( *sob* WANTS

And it's a good idea to plan ahead! I've heard a lot about Robocalypse. i'll be waiting to know what you think of it. =)

Jackie said...

@Caro - I haven't been able to get into Hexed yet and now Hammered is released!! Hopefully, I can start this weekend, then we can chat about it :-)

I'm hoping to get Robopocalypse on audio, though I do have a print copy. I've heard great things too. Will let you know...

MrsMixx said...

*g* Yessss I'm there whenever you wanna talk about them *g* (I might stalk your goodreads acount just so you know LOL)

Ohhh i didn't think about going Audiobook for Robocalypse!! Well it's not like I don't already have a lot of audiobooks planned for July and august. =P We'll see

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