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Still relatively new to the audiobook format, I listened to First Grave on the Right as a recommendation from Caroline at Secret HEA Society and Book Lovers Inc. (she's very influential on my listening these days :-) Again, Caroline was dead on the money with this book.
The concept here is quite different, that Charley is a Grim Reaper, and, what in fact the Grim Reaper has the responsibility of. But I really liked the twist. To have Charley with this major responsibility but also as a human private detective, trying to solve the wrongful deaths, is a great blend.
The story is told with lots of humour, which always keeps me engrossed and entertained. There were also times when some seriousness was needed, especially as a subject like human trafficking arose, and it was handled well, I thought. All in all, I liked the way the stories intertwined.
But then there's Reyes. As First Grave in the Right unfolds, this man that has impacted Charley's life so much from when she was a teenager, is slowly uncovered for what or who he really is and THAT promises to become way more interesting in further novels. Darynda Jones portrays this characters as full of mystery and you feel for him, as his initial story comes out. Then, as even more is revealed, there's a wariness I felt about his motives where Charley is concerned. I really want to believe he's on the up and up, I really do...
I really enjoyed all of the elements in First Grave on the Right and found the audio helped to emphasize the humour. I will be trying to get my hands on Second Grave of the Left as soon as it is released. This was a great story with a cozy mystery feel, mixed in with potential for apocalyptic can you go wrong?
This sounds interesting & unique!
@Mel - I think it was a great audio experience, which you may like if you get the chance to listen. And I'd love to hear your take on Reyes. Maybe one of these days, right? ;-)
*g* Mouahahahhahaha *g*
You know it's funny I didn't like Reyes much when I was listening to this book. I was rooting for the grumpy detective. I still think we'll hear more about him.
I can't wait for the next audiobook either. So funny and original. Have you read the free short story from a Ghost POV?
@Caro - You're funny ;-) I did read the short story. It hit very close to home for me, seeing as I'm a Type 1 diabetic and have been since I was 12. Having had my beautiful daughter, I was lucky to not have had those issues (I had others but nothing that bad). Still, it made me cry a little ;-(
You know I've been hearing people talk about this one. And it's all great things. :) And I think book two is coming or is already out. Thanks for the great review Jackie!
@Melissa - Book 2 releases in August. Again, it's another book I think you would like ;-) (no pressure, lol)
A few other readers have been saying the same about this book. Huh... just if time wasn't against me here. ;D Again we need to find a way to make a living at this. he he he. Thanks!
@Melissa - No kidding! Well, I can always look out for a sugar daddy, LOL.
awwww *hugs Jackie* It did make me tear up too. i thought it was touching and well told. *hugs*
Let's get ready for book =)
@Caro - Yes! The August release will be here before we know it :-)
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