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From the outset, this third installment in The Mortal Instrument series is all action. I was glad to see the faster pace return, as I thought City of Ashes had started a little slower. But coming into this book, there were so many parts of the story that needed resolution, that jumping in head first kept me distracted enough to not dwell on the things that just weren't sitting well with me (Jace & Clary, specifically).
Jace, being the stubborn guy he is, sets off almost immediately to try to protect Clary from the battle that everyone knows is on the horizon. Seriously, though, he should have known better! And while this could have been aggravating for the reader, it helped to guide parts of the tale that became vital as it reached the climax. In saying this, its Clary's equally stubborn side that makes her end up in the lake, in an effort to join her friends in Idris. Though the significance of this accident seemed quite obvious (to me, anyway), it was the character interactions thereafter that allowed for the story to take on many other dimensions.
We meet a lot of new people in City of Glass, as the battle plans are discussed and debated in Idris and this allowed for more intrigue in the story. The different factions that had been previously just barely mentioned, were in full view here, and the in-fighting added to the mounting tensions. Truly, through the three books, you were never sure which of the Shadowhunters were still in allegiance with Valentine and which were honestly opposed to him. In this sense, Clare keeps you on your toes; it is a terrible thing for these young people not knowing exactly who to trust at any given time. Then again, despite his crazy hair and flamboyant wardrobe, I'd trust Magnus any day :)
Clare is a master at teasing a reader, offering a hint of information, then clarifying what it all meant a few pages down the way. This does leave a certain amount of anxiety for the reader. It was interesting how she handled a battle scene here, also. I imagine it can be pretty imposing, writing down the all the action involved and doing it justice, but Clare flips between two scenes, summarizing the events without having to get into too much detail. I feel it was well done; not too vague but not overwhelmingly graphic either.
City of Glass was a fantastic end to The Mortal Instruments (original) trilogy... but darn that Cassandra Clare for leaving a couple of details dangling! These are not major story line cliffhangers but little tidbits that leave you curious (the Fairy Queen, for example). And, thankfully, there are three more books to come in which I will hopefully find those answers....please?! Anyway, City of Glass offered lots of action, fair amounts of closure, and some definite heartache. A great mix of elements, to be sure!
lol. Yes. Wonderful read. This one she gives a little bit to make you want more and does give all the answers by the end. But just those small tiny threads that are dangling out there keeps us coming back for more! lol. Great review.
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